Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Bowler!

Mia's new thing is bowling! She always wants to go... So on Sunday Daddy took Mia, Nick (or as Mia calls him, Nicky!) and Madi for some dinner and disco bowling! The three of them had an absolute blast and Mia actually bowled a decent game. She's very lucky to have such sweet older kids around to help her out. They all play so well together!

Daddy's Little Helper!

This past weekend Daddy was doing some work around the house, and found a very helpful little midget! Good thing Mommy wasn't around to see Mia climbing the ladder as if she was going to change a light bulb or something... The kid is not only courageous, but absolutely fearless!

A Limo?!

Mia got to experience a limo for the first time on Sunday night! Momma and some girl friends went to see 'Pink' in concert, and treated themselves to a little luxury... At first she was a little confused seeing such a long car, but quickly decided it was fun to play in!

Limo Play Time!

And play she did... I'm pretty sure we've got a movie star in the making, cause she looked all too natural in the back of that big car! Gotta love the pig tails...