Thursday, May 17, 2012


This week was Mia's graduation from Pre-K.  The school made a really big production which included a procession into the Temple, each child receiving a diploma and speeches by the teachers.  As the children received their diploma they each addressed the audience and stated what they want to be when they grow up.  Mia apparently has decided she wants to be a doctor, which is very Jewish of her!  Then the teachers said something about each child in the class.  Their were comments were about creative clothing choices, OCD, etc.  However, their comment about Mia struck me as interesting, since it's the very same statement I've often heard about her mother...  Her teacher said that Mia is always quick to include any children being left out, and is always a friend to those who are down or in need.  She's lucky to have a role model such as Stacy, and apparently others are noticing what we've always known.  Simply put, Mia is an amazingly sweet & beautiful little girl with a very gentle & kind spirit.  She's our angel...

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